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Come Follow Me LDS FREE lesson for family home evening here https://bit.ly/cfm-lesson
0:00 Introduction - Martin Harris' Nightmare
0:19 Come Follow Me LDS Doctrine and Covenants (D&C) 19-19 (Feb 22-28)
0:35 Martin Harris promised to mortgage his farm as collateral
0:52 He worries that he will lose all his money and farm
1:03 The grand plan for The Book of Mormon
1:15 Martin Harris asks Joseph Smith for a revelation
1:35 Martin Harris knows that Joseph Smith received revelation from God
1:53 Sadly Martin Harris is seen as a weak man
2:29 Martin Harris is visited and bore his testimony of T…...more
Come Follow Me LDS Doctrine and Covenants (D&C) 18-19 - Martin's All In
Come Follow Me LDS FREE lesson for family home evening here https://bit.ly/cfm-lesson
0:00 Introduction - Martin Harris' Nightmare
0:19 Come Follow Me LDS Doctrine and Covenants (D&C) 19-19 (Feb 22-28)
0:35 Martin Harris promised to mortgage his farm as collateral
0:52 He worries that he will lose all his money and farm
1:03 The grand plan for The Book of Mormon
1:15 Martin Harris asks Joseph Smith for a revelation
1:35 Martin Harris knows that Joseph Smith received revelation from God
1:53 Sadly Martin Harris is seen as a weak man
2:29 Martin Harris is visited and bore his testimony of The Book of Mormon
3:08 Martin passes away
3:22 Who was the publisher of The Book of Mormon?
3:38 The long process of publishing The Book of Mormon
4:00 Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery seek to know what to do
4:10 Peter, James, and John visit and restore the Melchizedek Priesthood
4:40 The Lord reveals his will
4:53 How repentance brings us to Christ and joy
5:08 The great suffering Jesus endured for us!
6:28 Conclusion
Our weekly Come Follow Me Doctrine and Covenants videos are perfect for family home evenings, primary lessons, seminary lessons.
Martin Harris’s fears and worries had caused this horrible nightmare about the big dog.
He’d promised to mortgage his farm as collateral to pay for the publishing of the Book of Mormon, but the folks in Palmyra had held a meeting and
pledged that none of them would buy a single copy of the book. Martin’s anxiety went through the roof.
What he failed to see was that the Book of Mormon wasn’t just meant for the people of Palmyra, it was meant for the entire world and would one day flood the earth...with millions of copies.
But Short-sighted and worried, Martin went to Joseph and begged for a revelation telling him what to do.
The next day, the Lord gave a revelation. In it, the Lord commanded Martin to release himself from bondage and pay his debt to the printer. Martin knew Joseph so well that he recognized the difference between Joseph’s unlearned, farm-boy voice and when he was speaking for the Lord, and recognized that this commandment was from the Lord. He obediently sold over half his farm to pay $3000 for the printing of the first 5,000 copies of the Book of Mormon.
At the end of his life, Martin was an active member of the church living in Clarkston, Utah. Before he died, he bore his final testimony to three men who had come to visit, including his neighbor, Ola Jensen.
Martin died later that day and he was buried holding a copy of the Book of Mormon in his right hand, and the Doctrine and Covenants in his left. He deserves a massive THANK YOU for all he sacrificed for the Book of Mormon.
Now, who was the publisher that Martin paid to print the Book of Mormon? In Palmyra, there was a man named
Egbert Bratt Grandin (EB for short), It took him and 12 additional workers, 7 months to complete the work, which involved typesetting, inking, printing, hanging to dry, then printing the other side, then folding, and cutting, and sewing together, and binding 5,000 copies of the Book of Mormon.
This brings us to Joseph and Oliver praying to know what other things had to happen before they could officially restore Christ’s church. They learned they still needed the authority to act in God’s name.
In the late spring of 1829, Peter, James, and John, who had been Christ’s chief apostles, appeared to Joseph and Oliver and restored this higher priesthood to them. It would eventually be known as the Melchizedek priesthood and it contains many of the necessary keys for the kingdom of God on the earth, that was needed in order to fully restore the church. Still, this priesthood and its keys weren’t given all at once and are part of the Lord’s ongoing restoration of all things - line upon line.
In section 19, Jesus Christ tells us in a very heart-wrenching, personal way about the suffering required to achieve the Atonement.
It was the last week of his life and Christ was in the Garden of Gethsemane with Peter, James, and John. He needed courage, and He told them to wait with Him while he went off to pray. Three times he went back and checked on His friends, but they were asleep. He was truly left alone.
As he prayed, He suffered each of our pains in both body and spirit. And that suffering was so great that it caused Him, the greatest of all, to tremble and to bleed at every pore. He begged the Father to stop this horrible agony, but it couldn't be stopped - it was absolutely necessary for our salvation.
The greatest pain that ever was known; the hardest thing that ever was done; the biggest battle that ever was won - this was done by Jesus...Jesus loves me, so he went willingly to Gethsemane. This is how precious our souls are to Him. His love promises us joy and peace.
Now with all of this in place, the time is right for the restoration of Christ’s church.